Jeremiah tells us that the Messiah will rule on this world one day in the future. Are we ready for that? Just as God's Word made detailed prophecies about Jesus'…
What the Grinch hated about Christmas was the 'noise, noise, noise'. The noise of Christmas (presents, food, get togethers) can rob us of the joy of Jesus if we're not…

God Uses Leftovers

December 24, 2017
Throughout the Bible we see that God uses 'leftovers' or a remnant. God specializes in using the least and the smallest and the unassuming to accomplish His work. They are…
What would it have been like to have been at Jesus' birth or some other miraculous event in Jesus' ministry? Would that result in our having a stronger faith? Experiences…
Daniel was given a revelation of the time of Jesus' appearance on earth by none other than the same Gabriel that would appear to Zecharias, Mary and Joseph! God gave…
Genealogies don't usually excite us but Matthew's genealogy of Jesus' family line through His legal father Joseph, offers some fascinating incites on who Jesus allowed to be part of His…
The Reformers taught that everything about salvation and sanctification is about God's work in us, not our work for God. God will be glorified in this world one day so…
Jesus alone is our mediator and Saviour. He is superior to angels, to the prophets and any other created being. Only Jesus alone can give us hope with God. Not…
Grace is the act of God to initiate a relationship back to Himself with us through the sacrifice of Jesus His Son. faith is our response to God's grace. Salvation…
The Reformers understood from Scripture that God initiates salvation by His grace alone. We do nothing that deserves God to want a relationship with Him because sin separates us. Yet,…