While we know Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, dow e understand that God began to tell us this, way back in…
Paul tells us if we want to show how Jesus lives in us we need to remove old sinful habits and replace them with positive Spirit-filled habits. How do we…
Paul has to defend his authority to preach the gospel because false teachers claiming to have similar authority have infiltrated the Corinthian church. How did Paul defend himself against false…
Paul's enthusiasm for the blessings of the gospel fills the intro of Ephesians before he even thanks God for them! Why is being 'in Christ' such a blessing and source…
Our theme for 2024 is 'In Christ'. This is Paul's favourite expression to describe believers. Not Christians. Not disciples. But those 'in Christ'. What does that mean for us who…
Ps. 16 is a great summary of what knowing God by faith does for us. David says God had revealed to David the path to life (faith in God through…
In Matthew Ch.2, Jesus is referred to simply as 'the child' nine times. Why would God want Jesus to be referred to this way? Is it because through this we…
The angel announces to the shepherds that a 'Saviour' has been born for them and they should go see this for themselves. Why do we need a Saviour? What do…
Rev. Ron Grossman from Israel's Hope Ministries of Canada spoke on prophecy in 1 Thes. 4:13-18.
Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she would be the mother of the 'Son of the Most High' (Luke 1:32). What an amazing title for Jesus. What does…