As we begin Advent, we want to relook at the birth accounts of Jesus focusing on the names and titles referred to Him at His birth. The first place to…
Using Daniel 9:24-27 as a framework can help us understand the Book of Revelation.
Does Jesus literally return to earth and establish a kingdom here for 1000 years, or has He already returned spiritually and we are bringing in His rule now? What does…
Is it not strange that the only book of the Bible that begins and ends with a blessing to those who read it, is one of the most neglected? We…
The Bible clearly tells us in numerous places that there will be a 7 year period we call the Tribulation. The Bible refers to it as Daniel's 70th week, the…
As we move closer each day to Jesus' return, what event will 'start the countdown' so to speak toward that? The Bible tells us there will be a seven year…
King Jehoshaphat of the Kingdom of Judah was under attack by 3 foreign countries. He prayed for God to do something because he didn't know what to do (v.12). Jehoshaphat…
Solomon concludes his letter with his final observation about life under the sun; live 'above the sun'. Fear God, keep His commandments and believe by faith this will result in…
Solomon speaks numerous parables to show the difference between wisdom and foolishness.
Solomon takes stock and makes some conclusions based on many observations he has mad of life 'under the sun'. Only those who look at life from god's 'above the sun'…